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  • Writer's pictureNIYONKURU AUDACE

Transformed by Christ

Updated: Mar 4

"Let your reasonableness be known by everyone. The Lord is at hand" Philippians 4:5


Mrs Odette is one the believers whore are following the first principles teachings. She is from Maranatha Gospel Church of Ngozi.

Before starting the classes, Odette HAKIZIMANA was known as a rude and aggressive woman in her neighborhood. As she said, she couldn't even be submissive to her husband.

When the teaching program was introduced in her church, Odette enrolled and began to attend classes. As the training went on, Odette was touched by the teachings of the second booklet entitled "Belonging in the family of families" in its third lesson which talks about living with a believing family. In the scriptures they read (Ephesians 5:22-6:9), Odette realized that her behavior before her husband is not worthy for the Jesus's follower. From that time, Odette repented of all of that and her life was totally transformed. Neighbors who were accustomed to hearing quarrels in Odette's family could not understand what happened to her. Some approached her and Odette seized the opportunity for testifying for Christ. Odette is now among women who are helping others in her community.

This is one of many stories of life transformation and We are thankful for what the Lord is doing through the first principles teachings in our different partner churches.

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