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  • Writer's pictureNIYONKURU AUDACE

Children Education

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training ad instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4

Jonas NIMUBONA is a father of seven children. He is one of the believers who are following the first principles teachings at True vine church, one of our Partner churches.

When Jonas started the training, he has been touched by lesson of the first booklet which talks about how parents should bring up their children according to the instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:7). Jonas was among the men who think that the education of children is a task of their mothers.

As the teaching went on, Jonas realized that he didn't play his role as a father for he had left the task of educating children to his wife whereas the bible asks the fathers to make the first step. He repented and began to take time to discuss with his children. Today, he is happy of investing in his children by transmitting to them the true faith.

This is one of many stories of parents who, through the first principles, are discovering what God expect from them especially that the teachings bring them to study the scriptures,



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