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  • Writer's pictureNIYONKURU AUDACE

Family Leadership

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Ephesians 5:23

Claude NDUWIMANA Is one of the believers who are following the First Principles teachings in Maranatha Gospel Church of Ngozi, one of our partner churches.

Before coming to christ, claude was known as a very drunkard and rude person to the extent that some of those who knew him thought his behavior couldn't change. By God's Grace, Claude came to Christ. As he said when we met him, though he was a believer, he led the family as he wants. He was not aware that God, the founder of the family has designed the way it should be led.

When he went through the first principles, claude was challenged by the way God wants the family to be led. Before, claude said he thought there was no need to listen to his wife; he thought that a wife is only there to follow his rules without any comment or suggestion. Today, claude repented of this behavior, he saw that a wife is a gift from the Lord and, she has a contribution in the family's life. Consequently, claude now listen to his wife and discuss with her about everything for the development of the family. He has also set a program of family prayers each evening. He is thankful to the Lord for having saved his life and his family.



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