Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, .....1 Peter 3:1-22

Shukran Issa ,grew up as a muslim and came to Christ later. She was persecuted because
of her new faith but endured .However , she admits it was not having an impact on people
around her including her husband . When the first principles class was introduced in her
church , Shukran was among those who did it . During the discussion on the Biblical principles on marriage , she understood that she is not walking according to the teachings of Christ. She repented and began change her attitude and conduct towards her husband ( submitting to his leadership). Her Husband was suspicious at the beginning and later discovered the booklet she has been using for learning . He came to church to see what was going on there and he gave later his life to Christ as well. Now Shukran and her husband are all following Christ. As a couple, they are testifying to their muslim relatives . This is one of the many stories going on in different churches as an impact of the first principles .