For the son of Man came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10)

Jean Bosco NKEZABAHIZI is one of the Believers who are doing the first principles teachings at Souls Healing Church of Kinindo, our Partner church.
In his everyday activities, Bosco works as a lawyer. Before doing the first principles teachings, he worked as other lawyers who some times or often receive and treat cases of spouses who want to divorce.
When Bosco started the first principles, he and his classmates realized that the will of God to the spouses is to stay togenther until one of them dies or Jess christ comes to take his Church. From that time, Bosco started to help his clients who want to divorce through the prayers and the word of God. As a result, some couples abandoned their plan to divorce. They are now thankful to God for Bosco's help to do the will of God.